A couple of months ago we were at my grandmother’s house and I asked her to pull out all the family photos. We sat around her dining room table and looked through all the old photographs and listened to her tell the stories that went along with them. There were two photographs that stood out to me. The first one was one I was intentionally looking for. It was an image that is burned in my brain because it has been my all time favorite photograph for as long as I can remember. My gram and poppy leaning against a car kissing and being just as cute as can be. Every time I look at this photo I think, this is what love looks like. I got to live with my grandparents when I was a young adult and I was lucky enough to be able to witness on a daily basis what this same love looked like fifty years later. When I was young, every time I looked at or even thought about this photo it would inspire me to find a love that looked like this, because I knew what that love would still look like decades down the road.
The second photo that gave me all the feels was one that I wasn’t looking for. I had never seen it before, but my gram pulled out this old gold frame with a photo of her two year old self and I teared up. As I looked at this beautiful photograph of my gram as a little girl, I realized that this photograph is WHY I’m a photographer. We are building a heritage for our children and these photos tell that story. I can look at this adorable little girl and through other photos see her grow up, fall in love, have four beautiful children, become a grandmother…I have the story of where I come from in a tin full of photographs and that is something that I absolutely cherish.
The importance and value of what I do comes from the fact that the photographs I take are not just for my clients. They are for the grandchildren of the families I work with. I hope that a granddaughter will someday look at my photos and be inspired the love they see in the images and that a photo in an old gold frame can remind them of the great heritage they come from. For me, the value of a photograph is priceless.