
JJ’s Family | Los Angeles Adoption Session


the blog:

Matt, Kelly, and JJ have been a family since JJ came to them at a month old and now two years later they are able to celebrate that he is officially and forever theirs! When you foster to adopt there are many, many court dates. These trips to the courthouse can be long and stressful and you’re just hoping and waiting for that final one. The Muhonen’s got through the hard side of those court dates by going to the park and a local bakery after every one. This last court date was no exception and this time it was purely a time of celebration that was made even more sweet by the fact that their extended family and friends were able to join them.

All of my adoption sessions are through Red Thread Sessions, an organization that provides discounted photography for newly adoptive families. If you are a newly adoptive family looking for photography visit Red Thread Sessions website to find a photographer in your area. And if you’re a photographer please consider volunteering with us!

FREE resources


How to Get Up and Work Out 

The Best Hostess Hacks for Parties

We Ate 19 Macarons So You Don't Have To

Where to Go on Your Next Girl's Trip


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