
Giving Tuesday 2019


the blog:

I love Giving Tuesday. After Black Friday and Cyber Monday and all the consumption that is done over the weekend, it’s a refreshing reset to put the focus on others and their needs and giving back. Today I’m sharing about some of my favorite organizations in case you need a little inspiration on where to give!


I first learned about Collage when my friend started working for them. They are a non-profit organization that offers complimentary, community-funded medical services for women. Check out their website for more information on the work they do. And the first $25,000 given will be matched until December 3!


Micah’s House is local here in Lexington and very near and dear to our hearts. The organization exists to bring to homeless youth and their families faith-based opportunities that reduce poverty, reverse at-risk behaviors, restore wholeness and redeem potential for a bright and hopeful future. You can make a donation at


Charity: water is one of our favorite organizations that we’ve been giving to for years. They provide clean water in developing countries. It is amazing the difference that clean water can have on a community and individuals lives. Their website has so much information and education that I would encourage you to go check out, even if you can’t give right now.


My last suggestion on where you can give this Giving Tuesday isn’t an organization at all. It’s an individual person. I bet you know someone who is going through a hard time whether it be financially or mourning a loss or possibly both. Find someway to give to them. You could buy them groceries, make a meal for them (or better yet, invite them over for a meal), buy Christmas gifts for their kids, etc. We have been the recipients of all of these through the years and it meant the world to us.

If you have an organization you love to give to, feel free to add to the list by telling us about it in the comments!

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