Beach Babies + The End of Summer Vacation


the blog:

The older two kids start school today which means the end of summer vacation. This weekend we had a mini vacation. My brother who’s in the Airforce came, my brother and  his girlfriend, the kids and Eddie and I headed down to the beach on Sunday. The rest of the family is staying the week but with the kids starting school we only got a couple days. Even though it was just a short trip, it was two days of much needed rest and relaxation.

Growing up, we went camping at the beach every year with the whole family. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, the whole crew would pack up and head to the beach. Being able to bring my kids to the same place and experience the same things I did as a kids was great.

The kids had a blast with their auntie Jess. She’s so amazing with them and I’m so grateful my brother brought her into our family!Hugs from Grandma D makes the beach less scary for Layla:)I finally got to meet my other furry niece, Ocean. Isn’t she cute?!Apparently, it takes four people to grill some hot dogs.

Happy end of summer!

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