
Alban Family | Los Angeles Adoption


the blog:

In November of last year Alexis went out with a group of mom friends. One friend who is also a surrogacy attorney was telling the group about a woman who called her in need of help for her 20 year old daughter who had just found out she was 26 weeks pregnant with twins. She and the birth father, no longer together, were still in college and were not prepared to raise children. Alexis said that maybe these babies were meant to be theirs. She went home and talked to Blake about it and he agreed, these were their babies. The next day the birth mom called her. They met the following Monday and signed a contract that Wednesday. The following week Alexis started attending weekly doctors appointments and talking to their 3 year old about his new babies. The girls were born Jan 12th and she was in the delivery room, cut the cords and was able to breastfeed both girls. Last week I had the honor of photographing their adoption finalization. Here are some of my favorites. All of my adoption sessions are through Red Thread Sessions, an organization that provides discounted photography for newly adoptive families. If you are a newly adoptive family looking for photography visit Red Thread Sessions website to find a photographer in your area. And if you’re a photographer please consider volunteering with us!

FREE resources


How to Get Up and Work Out 

The Best Hostess Hacks for Parties

We Ate 19 Macarons So You Don't Have To

Where to Go on Your Next Girl's Trip


with me

Follow along with all my work and life snippets on Instagram